
7 Tips To Write A Compelling Comparison Article That Will Capture Readers

Writing a comparison article can be a tough task, but it doesn’t have to be. In this post, we will show you how to write a comparison article in 10 steps.

1: Choose Your Topic

When writing a comparison article, the first and most important step is to choose an appropriate topic. It is important to ensure that the topic you choose is relevant and interesting to your readers. Additionally, you should ensure that there are enough differences between the two subjects being compared for you to be able to write a comprehensive article. Once you have chosen a suitable topic, you can begin your research and start constructing your comparison article.

2: Find the Right Images

When writing a comparison article, finding the right images is essential to help readers understand the distinctions between the two topics being compared. Include images that accurately represent the topics and avoid images that are misleading. If possible, obtain royalty-free images from an online repository or purchase stock images from a reputable source. When selecting images, consider the size, resolution, and type of file used in order to ensure that your comparison article looks professional.

3: Write the Introduction

The introduction to a comparison article is the first opportunity to capture readers’ attention and provide an overview of the main topics. It should provide an explanation of why the topics are being compared and what the reader can expect to learn from the article. Additionally, authors should include any relevant background information that will help readers better understand the topics. Finally, a thesis statement should be presented that outlines what readers can expect from the article.

4: Begin Your Article

Writing a comparison article can seem daunting at first, but it is actually quite simple once you understand the process. Before you begin writing, it is important to identify the two subjects you wish to compare and contrast, and to think carefully about which aspects of each topic could be highlighted in your article. Once you have a clear idea of the direction of your article, you can begin writing by introducing your topics and providing an overview of the points on which you will focus.

5: Explain the Differences Between the Two Things You Are Comparing

When writing a comparison article, it is important to explain the differences between the two items being compared. This can be done by highlighting the unique features of each item, such as their specific strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, it is important to consider how the two items relate to each other – for example, how do they compare in terms of price or performance? By exploring these distinctions between the two items, readers will have a clear understanding of how they stack up against one another.

6: Explain Why One Thing Is Better Than the Other

When writing a comparison article, it is important to explain why one thing is better than the other. To do this, it is helpful to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option and then make an informed decision about which one is better. Additionally, providing evidence to support why one option is preferable over another can help strengthen the article’s argument. Ultimately, by effectively explaining why one thing is better than the other, readers will be able to gain a better understanding of the subject matter and make an educated decision.

7: End Your Article with a Call to Action or an Opinion

When coming to the end of your comparison article, it is important to provide a call to action or an opinion. A call to action can be something as simple as asking readers to share your article with their friends or leave a comment with their thoughts. An opinion can be an evaluation of the pros and cons of the topics discussed in the article. It is important to provide readers with a clear takeaway from your article, and ending with a call to action or an opinion is one way to achieve this.


Writing a comparison article can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With just a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to create great articles that help your readers understand and compare things they care about.